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Thursday, November 14, 2013

These are the days

As I sit here typing a blog, playing around with my layout, trying to figure out how to make my blog look nicer, I realize I'm still in my pajamas…and it's after 1:00...opps. Oh well. It's been an off week with Veteran's Day on Monday and no school today or yesterday (there was only half a day of school today so Andrew was off). I decided today would be our laundry/clean/play day and so we have ended up in our pajamas all day. :)

This is usually "my time" because Abby naps until about 2 and Andrew is in school until 2:20, so I figured it would be ok to sit on the computer for a while to myself while Andrew keeps himself entertained (he's actually WAY better at that than my daughter).  Some days I miss the daily routine when I had a job…getting up early, getting dressed up for work, having my morning coffee/tea on the drive to work, dropping off Andrew and then heading to where I was expected to be everyday. But then again, I have really enjoyed making my kids' breakfast/lunch at home everyday (or maybe having the occasional trip to Chick fil a at the mall), watching them play together,  reading to them, and just being silly everyday. Today I cut out some pictures that Andrew's teacher sent home and I taped the name of each room of our house onto a recycled container and we put each picture in the correct room where it belonged. It was lots of fun and cute to see how much Andrew pays attention to what's in each room of the house. :)

Now that Andrew is coming close to being 4, he has become so much more independent. It's really nice. Because I have Abby in her "tough age" right now, I really don't feel sad that Andrew is growing up …I'm actually kind of relieved!! The potty training has really come along the last few weeks. I am so happy! He is now wearing underwear to school and has only had 1 accident! We had lunch at Panera Bread the other day and he actually told me he had to go potty! I'm telling you….it's been a long road, but we are finally getting there! 
wearing "underoos" and daddy's boots :)

       stamping and drawing pictures 

And now there's Abby who thinks it's her turn to potty train. She is so smart. Yes, I'm her mother and it's my job to say that…..but she is scary smart. We were having lunch in the mall yesterday when she looked at me out of no where and said, "Go potty!!" and made a bee-line toward the bathroom….yes, she knew where the restrooms were. We went in there, she sat down (I don't really know how that works at such a young age because those toilets are WAY too big for her little bottom), and then said, "Wash hands." She's 20 months old so I'm going with it…but I think it will be a few more months until she's really ready. She had her diaper off the other day (right after attempting to potty), and went #2 all over the floor. :/ YIKES! Mommies must naturally have a strong stomach because wow I clean up a lot of bodily fluids daily around here!! EEK!! Then last night I asked her if she was ready for underoos, she said "Yes!" and ran over to the closet to pull out a pair of Andrew's underoos and tried to put them on!! I don't even think Todd knows where I keep them so I have no idea how she knew which drawer they were in! I'm telling you…she is going to be too smart for her own good one day. ;-)

One other amazing Abby moment- She said, "I love you mommy" clear as day yesterday!! Sweetest moment ever. I still don't think Andrew has come out and said those words as clearly as Abby did. I think she knows the grey hairs she is giving me and that I've earned a good "I love you mommy" from her! haha! Oh that girl. She can be oh so sweet and then viciously mean at the drop of a hat. Man I sure do love those 2 babies more than life it self. We are blessed. 

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