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Thursday, December 19, 2013

'Tis the Season

We have had a lot going on the last couple of weeks. Lots of shopping, a little partying, playing in some snow, decorating cookies, travel preparations, Holiday festivities, etc. etc. Todd had his work party last week. I had the camera out so the babysitter could take a picture and completely forgot. Boo!  And yes…I found a baby-sitter that we like. Kinda pricey…but well worth the $$ I must say! It was really awesome to get dressed up and have a nice dinner with only adults. :)

Yummy Cookies!! 

Even "Mark" the Elf got a cookie :) 

Andrew had his Christmas program at school today. I don't think I've ever been more excited to watch something in my life. The whole family had been practicing his 2 songs at home all week and he nailed them every time. Today….he FROZE on stage and didn't sing a SINGLE word! lol! It was probably the cutest thing I have ever seen though. :) He has a little girl in his class that he ADORES, and she was sitting next to him singing every word right on.  On his school note this week, it said: "Andrew was very excited to have Kylie back today" MELT! She is the cutest, sweetest little girl too. He always talks about buying her stuff and asks about where she is pretty much everyday when we are leaving school.
He is far left-front row (white sweater)..such a handsome boy! 

Sadly, I had to leave because my *almost* 2-year old daughter was screaming, "SUCKER!!!" at me for 5 minutes. Yikes…I was THAT mom MANY times today…
teenage years beware….she's a feisty one! 

And poor Santa….we attempted a photo with Santa a couple weeks ago at the Woburn lights festival…and as expected, it was pretty bad. I found Andrew's santa photo from when he was her age and it makes me LAUGH….I remember thinking he was SOOOO awful with Santa….haha…I think it's pretty clear who was more traumatized by the bearded, jolly-old man

The look on Andrew's face is priceless…he just wanted to tell Santa he wanted a train with a track for Christmas and Abby totally ruined that opportunity.

So, while we were at the "mall" in Woburn today, I saw parents waiting for Santa pictures and asked if Andrew wanted to see him again. Of course he was SO excited and said, "yes!!" while Abby's response was: "No!!! No sit!! No want to!!" *traumatized??* So we waited. Hindsight: BAD idea…I ended up with one kid screaming because they did NOT want to see Santa (and brought on the FULL THROTTLE death scream when he showed up), and the other kid screaming because they did NOT want to WAIT to see him….sigh…this day continued into a mad dash for a bathroom (upstairs) so my son could go (not going into details here…but am SO happy he told me he had to go!!!) , a full on throw yourself on the floor fit in the store when I ran in to grab almond milk (I promptly scooped the screaming child up and put them in the cart and carried on…I needed milk!).

And then I get home to a "lovely" Christmas card from a neighbor explaining that they haven't met us but don't want our dog doing their business in their yard and "reminding" us that there ARE leash laws in this town (i.e- our backyard is not fenced so yes..she does go into the front yard on occasion)…..BIG SIGH….I spent 20 minutes one day searching for my dog's "business" so I could clean it up and I KNOW Todd cleans up after Sadie anytime she goes in someone's yard. So this was just upsetting to me. The people in our neighborhood in Texas LOVED Sadie (and she would JUMP over the fence and run wild in the neighborhood then….and our neighbor's would call, bring her back home, or just let her play with their dogs….I miss that….) Don't get me wrong- I felt AWFUL anytime it happened, but it was completely unavoidable unless I sat out there watching her the entire time instead of tending to my babes. People UNDERSTOOD that life happens, and it isn't worth it  to walk around being so angry at other people all the time…that was something a lot of people around here did not learn I guess.

Anywho…tis the season I guess….my babies are the most beautiful gift ever, but it's tough when it seems so many people are watching and judging rather than jumping in to lend a hand. *Rant OVER* :)
Andrew by his school's tree on display 

                                            Abby and Mommy on the "2-horse open-sleigh" ride :)

                                             Have a Merry and blessed Christmas everyone!!!!!

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