Todd and I went to New York last weekend for Therese and Jesse's wedding (in the Hamptons...fancy!:) and had so much fun! Unfortunately, my camera is having issues loading pics, so I only have a few pics I can post (from my i-phone), and they aren't real clear. (*I uploaded some better pics finally!) I feel kind of bad that we didn't take full advantage of being in New York City (we didn't see a lot of the typical tourist attractions), but we've both been to NYC 4 times now, so decided to make this a lazy trip to the Big Apple. :) We spent a lot of time with Kelley Beaman (one of my besties) in Brooklyn, so that was lots of fun. She took us to this cupcake shop close to China Town called "Sugar Sweet Sunshine" and it was AMAZING (better than Sprinkles even!! ) I highly suggest making a trip there if you're in NYC anytime soon. It's fun having two good friends that live in the big city and can guide you around and take you to non-touristy places that are just fabulous. :) We also took a tour of the NBC studios and were able to see where Saturday Night live, a football News show, and the NYC NBC Nightly News is taped. That was something we'd never done before.
As far as baby is coming along, he's moving and kicking like crazy and now weighs over 2 lbs! We went to the doc. this Friday and got to hear his heartbeat, but unfortunately we didn't get to see him this time...BUT our next visit in Feb. will be the 3-d/4-d sonogram!! :) We are soooo excited!!! I just hit the third trimester and have had some pretty funky stuff going on (extremely swollen feet: will post pics as soon as my camera cooperates, bladder infection, and some other things you don't want to know about! HAHA!) The bladder infection thing is getting better thanks to some prego-safe antibiotics and lots of water. Well, I'll try to post more often for those of you that are reading. Until then, Happy Winter!
Baby T's outfit from Kelley :)
Me and Therese at her wedding
Me and my darling hubby at Therese's wedding
Me and Kelley eating lunch in NYC
Therese with her daddy...she looked amazing!
Painting project: coat one
Painting project 2: after the faux finish (updated nursery pics to come!)