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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Baking Success...sort of..

My So, I made another loaf of sandwhich bread that is gluten and dairy free. I was so proud of myself because I dedicated a lot of time to research types of flour, the ones that are best for baking bread, healthiest, taste the best, etc. I made my own flour mix using a scale to get my ratios of starch and protein flours just right (40 60), and then realized the recipe I was using (from the cook book Gluten free on a Shoestring by Nicole Hunn) was NOT dairy free. That has been the biggest challenge- finding a recipe that is BOTH. Well, I used almond milk and Earth balance dairy/soy free butter spread instead and it looked and smelled REALLY good. Well...the texture was goey (like the first pancakes I attempted) and didn't taste real great. :/ Such a waste of flour and ingredients. I have been successful at baking delicious muffins, perfecting apple cinnamon pancakes (that are amazing!) and even make flour less brownies using nondairy butter/milk and they were amazing. The bread is taking lots of experimenting, but I know I will get it down eventually. 

                       My work space 

                Yummy pancakes!! 

This stuff is so delicious on pancakes. Even if you aren't dairy free, try it out. Yummy! 

A few websites I've found really helpful are Once a month mom: 



If anyone else is going on the same diet journey, these are some resources I've found most helpful. And the kids have approved most of my recipes 

                He ate my soup too! 

            Little Alex approved too :) 

            Happy cooking everyone! 

"Diet Training" a 3 year old boy

The title of this post seems cruel really. But I have to give myself a little credit for attempting this new, extremely challenging diet that has already shown a few improvements in Andrew's sleep and mood.  It will all pay off...I just know it will!

So the question I have for today: should I let him go ahead and cheat on his diet tonight? It is Halloween and he's going to be all dressed up "working" for his treats, so I would feel so mean if I had to take them from him. :( At the Halloween parade on Sunday, I just took out the dairy/ gluten candies (I actually had a handout with safe candies in my massive packetS o' nutritional info.) and let him chow away on those leftover (gummy bears and sweet tarts are some of his favs). But he LOVES much as I do.  And I can't imagine as a 3 year-old understanding my mom allowing my sibling to eat chocolate and not me. :( So that's the dilemma today.

I WILL say Andrew has been SO good about understanding what he can and can't have. He has even started saying, "No that will hurt your belly," if he sees us eating a glutinous/dairy item (I gave up my bagel in the morning for about 2 weeks, and gave in when I saw pumpkin cream cheese at Trader Joe's. ;/ So no- the whole family is not following the diet very strictly). If it were Abby being forced to give up certain things that she saw Andrew eating...O...M...G....DRAMA would take over our house-hold. That little girl of mine is a drama queen when she doesn't get what she wants. Andrew gets over it pretty quickly (for the most part), so that is REALLY nice.  Andrew has grabbed Abby's snack cup of Annie's bunnies or cheerios a few times (2 of the many things we loaded up on at Costco a week before Andrew's diet changes), but he won't usually get too angry once I take it from him.

Speaking of eating- I seriously feel like my kids eat ALL DAY kinda drives me crazy sometimes (bad parent alert??) ;-) But seriously...I will be in the middle of preparing a meal and all I hear in the background is: Snack!! pop sic (what Abby calls popsicles), APPLE!!!! berries!!!! With both kids pulling every snack cup out of the drawer, containers of berries, milk cartons, and bags of chips from the cupboard and fridge. I HAD a rule where they can only eat at the bar or table...but Andrew has figured out how to climb up to the bar and take cereal bars, bananas, apples, muffins...what ever he can find..that I normally had up high enough for him not to scavenge and find and so now I'm constantly finding half-eaten fruit, cereal bars (gluten free of course), and chips spilled all over the house.  I even locked the "snack cupboard" so they couldn't get to it and Abby has figured out how to shove her tiny arms through and pull out bags of chips. Nice. At least they are good eaters, but my house is never clean (and I sweep at least 4 times a day).Thank goodness for a dog to clean up after most of it. ;-) haha!

Aside from diet changes and eating around our house, there are a lot of changes going on with little personalities! Andrew actually called me Kristi today...seriously?? He yelled, "Kristi, Sadie needs to go to time out! She's barking!" I laughed so hard and can't even figure out who he heard calling me that. I mean, it IS my name, but Todd usually calls me "babe." He had a friend over to play yesterday and probably heard his mom call me Kristi...cracks me up! I give it 2 weeks before Abby starts referring to me by my first name too. ;-)  As far as personalities- Abby has been extremely moody lately.  I felt really bad because both kids got sick with fever and coughing and Andrew got over his pretty quickly while Abby's lingered. I took her to the doctor and found out she had an ear infection (opps...) Andrew never had one before, so I really wasn't even suspecting it with Abby. They prescribed her an antibiotic (go figure), and I gave it to her for the first few days and then I felt uneasy about giving it to her.... she did actually seem much better after 2 days, but I read some things (I won't go into it), and decided to stop antibiotics and use lavender oil and give garlic and mullein oil a try if it keeps hurting. Well, she's back to the angry little girl that cries 75% of the day and is not sleeping at night, so off to whole foods tonight to see if I can get some mullein oil. Hopefully it will get better soon. Until next time!
Winter Gear! (she doesn't look like she's wearing a shirt!) 

Andrew getting in touch with his feminine side (heels and a pink blow dryer)


Halloween Parade in Woburn! 


Friday, October 18, 2013

Gluten free, dairy free baking....Oh my!!

My mind is full of so many theories, medical terminology, new flours that I've never even heard of, supplements, therapies...etc. etc. Andrew was tested for Autism a year ago this weekend. He was diagnosed PDD-NOS a month later. It's been a crazy, life-changing year but I really wouldn't change it for the world. God put us right where we needed to be with the tools and guidance we needed to help our son feel and act like himself.

With that said, I'm still trying to figure out these diet changes.  We recently went to a nutritionist to run a casein protein intolerance test. Make a long story short- worst day EVER (3 year olds do NOT understand the idea of fasting for some stupid test), and it was decided that we would go ahead and cut everything dairy out of his diet. Next step (a few weeks later): gluten. I was actually the one who suggested this to the nutritionist (I have done lots of research and heard so many success stories that I thought it was worth a shot).  It's been a challenge because some of Andrew's favorites are bagels, breads, doughnuts, ice cream (please don't get the wrong idea: we definitely don't feed these things to him 24/7...but every kid deserves a treat every now and then). And pretty much any snack food known to every kid (goldfish, graham crackers, cheerios) is now off limits. It is such a better life style change....its just tough when you have another child that can eat anything (and still WANTS to eat everything). Here is a prime example of how my gluten free road is looking at the moment:

This is supposed to be a loaf of bread. Same recipe I used a few weeks ago (with regular flour), and the bread was amazing. I figured, "It shouldn't be that different with my Better Batter flour blend...only it DOES say to add half as much more liquid to the recipe when using the alternative flour). Definite FAIL. It smelled good while it was baking....but the whole loaf sunk into the pan and even seeped into my oven. :( EEK! So...I guess it's on to pintrest for some  Gluten free bread recipes because buying the Udi's all the time is getting expensive. Any tips/advice are definitely appreciated (if anyone is actually reading this). ;) And I have definitely had success with this same flour (I made some delicious muffins and pancakes using this same flour), so it could be one more ingredient I'm missing. 

I have always been passionate about nutrition. It's something that has always interested me. Well, after researching so many biomedical factors that come into play when trying to "cure" Autism, it is quite fascinating yet heartbreaking at the same time.  Because Andrew's colon/ GI system has never quite been right, he's not absorbing the nutrients and digesting the food he needs meaning supplements and probiotics are a big part of his diet now (I've already been giving him a multivitamin and probiotic...just had to switch to a different type which wasn't too bad). Well, his liver is also having problems detoxifying meaning he has a build up of toxins in his little body. Again, more supplements (vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid play a big part in this process) to bypass the liver's process and get those "naturally occurring" (in most people's bodies) vitamins right where they need to be. It's crazy. It really is. I am seriously considering going back to school for nutrition after this journey that we have started with our little Andrew. The next culprit to my little Andrew's tummy problems could be phenols and salicylates. I still have a LOT of learning to do with these 2 things and honestly, they seem like taking a step backwards certain fruits and veggies contain salicylates). 

These things have been on my mind day and night and I REALLY wanted to write it out in order to remember this time in our lives when it was all so new. I know in a year it will all come so naturally and our family will be happier and healthier. I also hope this blog will be eye-opening to anyone who has a child suffering from tummy problems, behavioral issues (even ADHD kids could benefit from significant diet changes), or anyone else who has a child who was recently diagnosed.  And it's time to get Andrew so I'm out! :) Have a great weekend!! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

These are a few of my favorite things

My blog has been mistreated badly, and I don't even know where to begin writing about the past few months in our lives. Again, lots of change (new house, new car, Todd's new job, Andrew's new school, LOTS of doctor appointments, new church, change in diet, experimenting with essential oils/nutrient supplements..etc.). God likes to shake up our lives lately, but it keeps us healthy and in a constant search for improvements! :) Stagnant lives can get so dull. ;) (by the way....I am a creature of habit and thrive on predictability....whoa have I grown!!)

Anywho...I figured I would put aside some time from the craziness that ensues life while raising two toddlers under 5. So here are a few of our favorite things at the moment.

1- Andrew's talking. Man can that boy talk now! Some of the funniest phrases to date have been: "But I want to go to the beer store!!!"  Explanation- Andrew got the idea that the mall by our house (with a Mcdonald's inside), is called "The beer store" after overhearing Todd and I discuss who was going to run into the beer store after grocery shopping.  I'm telling you- those kids hear EVERYTHING now. other phrases- "I missed you mommy" after school. "It's October!"  "I love you Sadie Sue" while talking to the dog. And of course when he's talking to Abby. "No Abby, we aren't going to Target right now, but maybe later" :)

2- Andrew's growing independence. 3 year olds can be very difficult. They are too young to understand that days can't be spent eating junk food, going to Target, buying every toy they see,  followed by a ride in the train to Boston. Yet they are old enough to perfectly tell you EXACTLY what they want even followed by a "please mommy."  And those little emotions are still pretty unpredictable which means meltdowns are pretty frequent around here; however, watching him give Abby her blanket when she's upset, getting himself an apple from the counter for snack, following his schedule pictures (and even changing them on his own), going to the bathroom and washing his hands on his own (while screaming, "No I don't want Mommy!!!!"): those are some pretty awesome things to see happening. :)

3-Andrew's love for school.  I was pretty worried about Andrew's attention span/high energy level at school. We have been to play groups, library time, children's museums, etc. and he has NEVER sat still for any sort of circle time. Come to find out- he is one of the better behaved children in his classroom when it's circle time. Ms. Maura (his pre-school teacher) said "he is always watching, sitting still, and participating. He's already learned our new hello song!" I got so teary-eyed when I heard this. I was SO worried he wouldn't be quite ready for the structured classroom, but I had it all wrong. He thrives on structure just like his Mommy. :) He is always singing his songs, pointing out shapes, talking about leaves falling from trees, talking about the weather, what month it is, etc. It makes me so happy!!

4.- Abby's talking/learning I know I'm biased, but my daughter is seriously a little genius. She picks up on everything. She is using phrases such as, "No like it." "no poop, just gas" (another hilarious phrase she picked up from Andrew), "I want more please" "want up" "thank you" "need to sit" (she is seriously already wanting to sit on the potty....polar opposite from Andrew who STILL fights it!). And as far as words- she says it all. When Andrew turned 2, he had no where close to 25 words. Abby is off the charts and picks up new words everyday! She helps put the dishes away, cleans up (and sings the clean up song), talks on the phone, and loves to put on jewelry/sunglasses and carry her purse around saying, "Shopping!"

5. Seeing how different our 2 babies are.  Yes, Abby has picked up on talking before Andrew did. But as far as emotions go- that little girl is a fire ball!! She has the biggest temper I think I've ever seen come from a 18 month old! Andrew is pretty laid back for the most part (unless he's overstimulated or tired). If my daughter doesn't get what she wants- the whole world will know it! Another difference is Andrew's ability to put puzzles together/figure out technology. My son has always been naturally drawn to puzzles and iPads/phones. He was once playing with a 5 year old who couldn't figure out how to turn on a toy and Andrew (being a little over 2 years old), flipped it over and turned on the switch. He couldn't talk at the time: but he understood everything! He is now able to put a 40 piece jigsaw puzzle (that he has NEVER seen) together in less than 20 min. No joke. It's amazing.

6. My personal favorites that make me happy- running (even though I don't make enough time for it), bubble baths in my AWESOME new tub, Alex and Ani bracelets, and of course: coffee and wine. :) I've been told to cut down on my coffee intake due to anxiety (technically, he may have said to STOP drinking caffeine...but I'm not ready for that) so the way I dealt with the dilemma is buy half caff coffee. Hey- I stopped drinking caffeine when I was pregnant...I've earned my right to have it now!! ;-) And I WILL run a full marathon at one point in my life. I am determined and REALLY wanted to run the Boston Marathon last year and obviously God knew what he was doing when I didn't qualify for it. So....I will hold myself to it by writing this blog. Hopefully within the next 5 years. Not sure if a 3rd baby is in our future, so I need to get to work before that is decided!! :)

Here are a few pictures of our new life in Woburn, MA!

Lunch in Freeport, Maine

Andrew with his teacher, Ms. Maura :) 

I just found this treasure. Dance party in Mommy's new car! :)