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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

silver and gold friendships

Todd and I have been joking a lot about how making new friends is a lot like dating (even though ironically we have been together for 15 years THIS week, so we didn't really date much). :) You don't want to come across as too persistent or desperate by asking for their phone number right away, but you want to let them know you are interested in being their friend….wow that sounds corny!! :) HA! Since we've moved to the Boston area, we have met some really great people. Living in the dorm last year made it really easy to meet people.  Sadly, most of our dorm friends all moved to other places all over the US (and some even in other countries), so we don't see them much. It's so cool to have made friends from all walks of life that have lived and experienced so much. I have seriously learned more about myself this year than I could have ever imagined had I stayed in my "comfort zone."

  Living in a town that we are just now becoming familiar/comfortable with (Woburn, MA- pronounced WOOburn by all the Bostonians: I refuse to call it that), has made it a lot more challenging to make friends. I don't see moms playing on the community play ground everyday or run into them while running to the community laundry room.  I don't have play dates right next door, friends bringing me goodies all the time, or birthday parties to attend at least once a month. Don't get me wrong- I LOVE our new house! It's actually a really awesome fit for us right now (aside from the stairs that are SUPER steep and scary). And here lately, I'm starting to find a pretty nice group of women that I can text now and then about meeting at a park, having a play date that week, or just to ask for local advice. I met a wonderful woman who is Andrew's classmate's mom. She is a fitness instructor who co-owns her own gym with some other women. I liked her right off the bat at Meet the teacher night. But like I said- you can't jump right into a friendship, so it's been a process. :) She referred me to a photographer who was hosting a mini-holiday photo shoot for families. It was awesome! My kids have never smiled so much for pictures EVER!! And yesterday she picked Andrew up from school for me and then we went to their house to have a play date. Even Sadie got to go play with their labs! :) God works in mysterious ways, and I have absolutely loved meeting so many fabulous women who have taught me so much about my faith, abilities to be a "Super Mom," healthy eating habits, fitness, and so much more. It makes me think of the song from girl scouts, "Make new friends but keep the old: one is silver and the other's gold." Again- a little corny…but TRUE! I made some of the best friends in the dorm last year that I still text, email, or even plan to meet up with soon! And these new friendships that are developing are something we will hopefully keep forever (even when we move BACK to Texas). :) Cherish the people in your life-that's what makes life worth living! :)  I randomly found these pictures and thought I would add them.. Just a few of our "golden friends"  that we will always have. :) Wow…kids sure have aged me. :) ha!


                             And a few of our silver (new friendships) from this year! 


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