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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Stay-at-home mom VS. "home-maker"

I have been quite busy with my current job as a stay at home mom, so again lost track of my blog. Ours days really stay busy and quite eventful. I was thinking about tonight while cleaning up dinner and HAND WASHING re fabulous dishes (yes...I'm slowly getting used to it).

Before we got to Boston (Cambridge), everyone kept re-iterating how difficult this would be. Moving to a place thousands of miles from Texas, where we knew not one person, Todd would be busy so I would be raising the kids basically like a single mom...yes there have been some moments where I went to the car, called my mom or sister and blubbered like crazy (it's only necessary). But I was thinking about how much I get accomplished everyday with two kids in tow. Just the other day, I was going to do laundry and a little girl saw me pulling Andrew in the wagon (my secret tactic to prevent him from running onto the park), and wanted to jump on in. Now, this little girl's dad just so happened to be the guy who saved the day when my car wouldn't start, I was kicked out of my apartment for the entire day, and it was pouring rain. So, how could I turn her down? ;) So here I was: pulling two toddlers in a wagon, pulling my laundry basket (with wheels), with the other hand, whilst carrying my 6 month old in my boba baby carrier. Did I make it through the high rise building, down the elevator, and to the basement to retrieve my laundry? I sure did. Talk about a super woman moment. :) Hence the title of the blog: I AM a stay at home mom...NOT a home-maker (Todd told someone from AT&T I was a "home-maker" and it might have hit a little nerve). ;)

I am trying to live in the moment in every instance rather than thinking about how much of a challenge it has been and will continue to be. We stay busy everyday playing on the playground, going on play date outings, toddler time, (or I just text my new friend Shelley and tell her to meet me somewhere stat because I NEED adult time). We have had doctor appointments (need to write a whole other blog for those things) and we take care of daily chores and go about our routine. I know I will really miss all the fantastic people we have met, the environment, and the beautiful weather (for now). So, I am going to try to forget about all the difficult times and live in the moment.

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