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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Silly diapers...

I have wanted to sit at my computer all week and type up a blog. I wouldn't say my life is extremely interesting, but I think of myself as one that takes pleasure in the simple things in my everyday life as a stay-at-home-summertime-mom. :)

For example: I order diapers on I'm an "amazon mom" thanks to my friend Sarah's tid bit of advice, and I hope someone else reads my blog and signs up as well. It really does save a lot of money,  is so convenient, and you can save on all sorts of baby items.  I knew Andrew's diapers were going to arrive anyday and this would not be any ordinary diaper delivery....they would be SIZE 4 DIAPERS!! Dum dum dum.....haha!! :) This is so silly when I think about it, but I would seriously talk to Andrew about it on a daily basis: "Andrew, I wonder when your SIZE 4 DIAPERS will be here??" "I wonder why your SIZE 4 DIAPERS are not here yet?"

He grew out of the newborn diapers in about 2 weeks, the size 1 a few weeks later, size 2 may have lasted a couple months, and his size 3 diapers have fit him for most of his cute little life. SO....when I started noticing they were getting a little snug, it was kinda crazy. "We need to move up to SIZE 4? Oh, my baby is growing up!!" So...the day they arrived was a bit like Christmas morning to me..... :) I ripped them open and couldn't wait to get them on my little man. hehe....I can't believe I'm sharing this! ;-)  Something about diapers that fit him a little better just seem to be one simple pleasure I enjoy in my day-to-day life.

Todd is back from Europe so my days of living the "single mom" role are done for a while. It was easier than I thought, but I sure did come to realize the things Todd does to help run the house. It makes a WORLD of difference to have my hubby back to help out. One other big deal for little Andrew (besides the SIZE 4 DIAPERS ;-): he has learned to sign "more" when he wants more to eat! I think deep down, he knows exactly what everyone around him is saying and trying to get him to do, but he is a bit hard-headed like me. He will only do it when he wants. Plus, I think he gets a kick out of seeing me get so overly excited that it seems like he graduated honors from Texas A&M University or something. I know that will come one day as well , and I will be just as excited as I am now. :)

My little Genius figured out how to get the lid off the Gerber puffs: he's quite proud of himself :)

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