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Thursday, February 13, 2014

and she called them her "Magic Shoes"

It felt a bit like Christmas this week. These beautiful bad boys were delivered this Saturday:

I have needed new running shoes for WAY too long. The pair I recently "retired" ( they are actually still taking me through my nasty long runs outside in the snow),  were the very pair that I wore during my 2nd half marathon. No exaggeration- those shoes probably had a good 600 miles on them.  I usually bought nike, but these were my first pair of asic running shoes (I owned several asic shoes when I was cheering but not to run in), and I absolutely loved them. So I had to get another pair of asics this time around. I researched online and found the ones I like: asic gel-kayano 19. They recently came out with a kayano 20, but they were about $40 more and I read some reviews that said they weren't as supportive as the 19's.

They came in the mail on Saturday and ironically, that was the day I planned my long training run. I opened the door and screamed with delight, "YAY! My shoes are here!!" Andrew ran over, saw me holding a box and of course assumed it was full of lots of toys for him (after shipping all of our christmas presents back to MA from TX, this is only to be expected).  I ripped them open and told Todd, "I just have to wear them on my long run today!!" I knew that wasn't a good idea and Todd reminded me my feet would be blistered like crazy if I made that move. I tried 1 of them on with 1 of my old ones and WOOOOOWWW…Here's what I said-"They are my MAGIC shoes! They are going to get Mommy to the finish line of the marathon all by themselves!"  ;-)  So now Andrew is quite interested in these "Magic shoes" that mommy was so excited about and hands them to me every time we are going anywhere: "Here you go mommy. Here are your new shoes" :) He is the sweetest boy sometimes.

And WHAT a difference they have already made! Not even a week into it, I feel WAY better. I ended up completing my 14 mile run (!!) in my old shoes. Let me set that run up for you- 28 degrees for a high that day, about a foot of snow on the sidewalk MOST of my run (like running in sand, right???),  shoes that are worn out as it is….my camel bak FROZE while I was running around the lake. I actually ended up running in the street part of the run (which is very scary!)  I ran through 4 different towns that day (Woburn, Stoneham, Reading, and Wakefield to be exact), and made it to 1 of my favorite places to run: Lake Quannapowitt.  I also found quite the gem along the way- there were tons of people sledding down this amazing hill in Stoneham (and it's only 5 miles from our house). I am so excited to take the family there sometime next weekend!  This was by far the most difficult run I've ever done and my body felt awful the next day. So…bring on the magic shoes. I wore my new shoes everyday this week and WOW!  My back/knees are not in so much pain that I am waking up 4 times a night, and while I'm running- I feel like I can go forever. :)

I wasn't sore at all yesterday (and after 2 very challenging strength training classes, 27 miles last week, and 15 so far this week…I'm amazed).  I just got back from running 7 miles, and yes- I'm a bit sore. But I'm telling you- those magic shoes of mine are going to be just what I need to get me to 26.2 miles come April 21st. :)  Good thing I got an early morning run in because this is what is going on right at this moment:

10 inches of snow expected…on top of the mounds and mounds AND MOUNDS that already exists…I just LOVE winter….can't you tell. ;-) 
    Starbucks??!! Where did you go??!! 
Andrew likes to "off road" rather than use walk-ways :) 

School was let out early today (which meant no school for Mr. Andrew), so we will be spending most of today indoors playing cars, feeding/loving on baby dolls (Abby's new fav- so sweet!), watching movies, eating food, playing on i-pads, and maybe mommy can get in a nap. :) Valentine's Day is tomorrow so I hope they have school. Andrew's Valentines turned out super cute (thank you pinterest!) so I hope he gets to hand them out to his school friends. Happy Valentine's Day!!

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